Why You Should Use KeySavvy For Completing The Purchase / Sale Of Your Vehicle
KeySavvy is a secure payment and vehicle title transfer service that can be used for completing the purchase / sale of your vehicle. It offers a number of benefits for both buyers and sellers, including:
- Reduced risk of fraud: KeySavvy verifies the identity of both the buyer and seller, as well as the seller's ownership of the vehicle.
- Convenient and easy-to-use process: Buyers and sellers can complete the entire transaction online, from payment to title transfer.
- Transparency: KeySavvy provides a NMVTIS vehicle history report, which gives buyers information about the vehicle's past.
How KeySavvy Works:
- The buyer and seller agree on a price for the vehicle.
- The buyer creates a KeySavvy account and deposits the purchase price into their KeySavvy escrow account.
- The seller provides KeySavvy with the vehicle's title and VIN.
- KeySavvy verifies the identity of both the buyer and seller, as well as the seller's ownership of the vehicle.
- Once the verification is complete, KeySavvy releases the purchase price to the seller.
- The buyer and seller meet in person to complete the transaction and transfer the vehicle title.
Benefits of Using KeySavvy
For buyers:
- Reduced risk of fraud: KeySavvy's fraud prevention measures help to protect buyers from being scammed.
- Convenient and easy-to-use process: Buyers can complete the entire transaction online, from payment to title transfer.
- Transparency: KeySavvy provides a NMVTIS vehicle history report, which gives buyers information about the vehicle's past.
For sellers:
- Reduced risk of fraud: KeySavvy's fraud prevention measures help to protect sellers from being scammed.
- Convenient and easy-to-use process: Sellers can receive payment for their vehicle online, and KeySavvy will help them to complete the title transfer process.
- Peace of mind: KeySavvy guarantees that the buyer will pay for the vehicle, and that the seller will receive their payment.
Additional benefits of using KeySavvy for vehicle transactions:
- KeySavvy can be used for vehicles of any value or type.
- KeySavvy is backed by a licensed dealership.
- KeySavvy offers a variety of helpful services, such as temporary operating permits and title transfer assistance.
KeySavvy is a valuable tool for both buyers and sellers in vehicle auctions. It helps to reduce the risk of fraud, streamline the transaction process, and provide peace of mind.